Dying With Dignity News and Newsletter

Latest Newsletters

May 2024

An update from the President, upcoming Act review comments, and general news and links.

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March 2024

Lobbying Attorney General on Telehealth, 30 year VAD journey, Kingborough EOL Expo 2024.

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November 2023

Update from the President with a link to the First Annual Report by the Tasmanian VAD Commission, challenges and recommendations from the report, end of year update and speech by Hon Mike Gaffney MLC.

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March 2023

Update from the President noting issues being experienced in the early days of VAD but highlighting the Navigation Service as the first port of call and the challenge to have Dementia included in the VAD eligibility criteria.

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October 2022

After 30 years of persistent effort by proponents and 4 Bills to Parliament, VAD finally became enshrined in Tasmanian law, the complex work behind the scenes to bring the Act to fruition, and the joy experienced by those who never gave up.

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December 2021

An update from both the President and Vice President, as well as Mike's Musings.

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August 2021

Updates from the AGM and status of the End of Life Choices (Voluntary Assisted Dying) Act implementation.

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July 2021

A notice from the President, Hilde Nilsson. As well as AGM related business, and an agenda of the upcoming AGM.

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May 2021

Update on the passing of the End of Life Choices (Voluntary Assisted Dying) Act and next steps.

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March 2021 – Victory

The End of Life Choices (Voluntary Assisted Dying) Bill passed.

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March 2021

Information on the last debate for the End of Life Choices (VAD) Bill to be passed.

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